Auckland Divorce Lawyer – Finding A Good One

Posted by kutD39m on September 5, 2024 in Divorce lawyer | Short Link

Auckland Divorce Lawyer – How To Pick One


Couple arguingGoing through a divorce is a challenging and stressful time. Often one or both parties want revenge or to maximise their personal outcome, especially in a financial sense. In other countries, the importance of a good divorce lawyer is because of the way that they can negotiate a settlement for their client. However, the separation laws in New Zealand are quite specific with strong guidelines to protect each party from oppressive lawyers or partners. That said, it is still important to choose the right Auckland divorce lawyer for your case.


Below we highlight some of the issues you need to be aware of, and how to identify the Auckland divorce lawyer for you.


Why Choosing the Right Divorce Lawyer is Crucial

Despite the guidelines for separation and divorce settlements in New Zealand, there are still areas that need negotiation, guidance, and processing.


Firstly, is how the separation lawyer responds to you. You will want a lawyer who shows empathy and consideration to your probably fragile state. If they are brusque, or seem distant, they are probably not a good fit for you.


At the same time, you want the lawyer to be firm in two ways:


Firstly, they need to help you understand your rights and obligations. This is often not easy as people feel injured and want to exact revenge on their ex. A good lawyer will be able to explain to your what you can and cannot do or expect, while still being aware of your mental and emotional states.


Secondly, you want them to be strong with the other side’s lawyer. Even though relationship property should be split equally, there may be times when some leeway or negotiation is required. For example, if there is a jointly owned house and young children living there, the partner who has left the home, may be lenient when it comes to the valuation of the property.


Key Qualities to Look for in an Auckland Divorce Lawyer

When you are looking for a good divorce lawyer in Auckland, you will want to look for lawyers with qualities such as empathy, insight, good communication skills, quick understanding, and being clearheaded.


Challenges People Might Face During Divorce

Auckland is an expensive city to live in. Naturally, one of the biggest fears for people going through a separation, especially women with children, is how will they be able to survive financially. Your lawyer will be able to help you work though your financial commitments, possibly getting you to draw up a budget.


The issues of child custody, where needed, will be a major factor for both parents to understand and come to terms with. Your lawyer will explain the types of child custody, your rights to access to your children, and behaviours that are expected.


How to Evaluate Potential Divorce Lawyers

There are many divorce lawyers in Auckland so how do you choose one?


Location is a big consideration. Do you want one that is near to home in Auckland, or near to your work? Ease of parking is probably a part of that decision.


Cost is of course another factor. It’s impossible for any lawyer to give you a definitive cost at the start because they simply do not know how much time will be involved. Some divorces are quick and easy while others drag on for years. However, a lawyer will give you an indication and will explain their fees and billing.


There will be other costs too such as the transfer of a house to one of the former partners. This is in effect, a house sale, and will have the associated costs of that. Transferring other assets will probably incur costs too.


Auckland divorce lawyerLook for reviews online or ask for recommendations from friends or work colleagues.


A good divorce lawyer will have connections with other service providers. For example, an accountant who can prepare tax returns so that any liabilities are identified or shared, and asset valuations for division of relationship property.


They will also have connections with people who can help people draft a budget, or counselling services.


Taking the Next Steps

When you have done your initial research and drawn up a list of possible candidates, talk to them individually to see if you would like them to represent you. It is then time to let the Auckland divorce lawyer do their job. If you need help in this regard, McVeagh Fleming is a well-known law firm in Albany with a team of divorce lawyers who can help.


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